Confessions of a College Sex Worker

Curious what it’s like to do sex work? From stripping and sugaring to camming and photo sales, there are numerous jobs that appeal to different people to best suit their needs. Here’s an explanation of some of the services I offered in college and my experiences with them.

Review: SVAKOM Siren

The Siren is a curvaceous delight with not one but two vibrating ends. It features strong vibrations, is completely waterproof, and is definitely versatile. Whether you’re attracted to its flickering tongues or the bulbous insertable handle, the Siren has something for you.

7 Benefits of Masturbation

Sure, masturbation feels good, but did you know that there are some pretty big health benefits to self-pleasuring? Most of us engage in masturbation regularly but if you needed another reason to get yourself off, here are seven!