Review: The Dodil

The word “revolutionary” is one of the most overused descriptions of any new sex toy with slightest touch of originality. It’s constant usage by toy manufactures sends sex bloggers and reviewers into an eye-rolling frenzy. Very little in the industry is truly a revolution at this point–but the Dodil comes close. Simple in concept and limitless in design, the Dodil is a completely customizable dildo you can reshape again and again using only hot water.

I first heard about the Dodil back in 2017. Immediately, I was intrigued. Being able to design your own dildo is such an exciting idea but short of Clone-a-Willy kits, I didn’t think I’d see a viable option on the market. The Dodil is different, though. There’s no mixing required, no molds, no questionable materials, no mess.

It comes as a straight, thick traditional dildo with rounded ends. Soak it in hot water for a half hour, however, and you get a squishy, malleable material that feels much like a sand-filled stress ball. Of course, it’s encased in an outer layer of silicone so the Dodil is totally body safe. Use the included cord or get creative with your own supplies to shape it into a fuckable work of art.

You can purchase the Dodil on its own or with the official container, which is basically a thermos for your dildo. It makes the molding process easier, always having a suitable container on hand, and it’s also great for storage in between creations.

It works best to soak the Dodil in boiling water for the molding process. Not only does that make the Dodil ready to shape, it also sterilizes it in the process. Half an hour is ideal time to soak before you can pull it out and shape it into something new. If you find that the Dodil is too hot at this point, you can pat it dry or use a splash of cool water to help. Once you have your desired shape, run it under cold water to set.

Once set, the Dodil is a very rigid toy. The first time I held my Dodil, I found myself banging it against my desk in amazement. While silicone dildos are usually squishy and flexible, the Dodil feels more like a metal or steel toy wrapped in silicone. This has its advantages and disadvantages.

It’s great for people who like the feel of steel or glass and allows you to play with texture in a more intense way than if it were soft. If you decide to incorporate a bulb on the tip for g-spotting or p-spotting, it can be very effective. If you include spirals or bubbles in the shaft of your design, you’ll be able to feel them more intensely.

However, a rock-hard dildo isn’t for everyone and can make for less forgiving design options. Several of my curved designs were scrapped due to discomfort during use. As much as I wanted a decent curve with my first g-spot design, my vagina wasn’t having it. The Dodil is thick to begin with, so if you don’t stretch it at all and add a curve, it can be very challenging. The beauty of the Dodil, though, is that you can always try again to make something more suitable. Though, it can be frustrating to have to go through the process again after a failed creation.

I highly recommend using the Dodil only vaginally, as the last inch and a half of the base does not change in hot water, so it’s always a rounded end. Without a flange (wide base) the Dodil isn’t really safe for anal use. You could potentially make a wider base by pressing down the rest of the dildo while it’s soft, but I haven’t personally attempted this. To be safe, maybe stick to other toys for anal play.

The concept of the Dodil is genius. Allowing people to craft their own dildos again and again in their own home is fantastic. Making that toy out of a body-safe material is even better! Is the Dodil something I often reach for? No. But it’s a really amazing option for people looking to explore styles and textures they have yet to try. Folks new to toys in general will benefit from being able to learn how certain shapes feel and find what works best for their bodies. For the sake of self-exploration and the pursuit of knowledge, I highly recommend the Dodil to anyone with limited toy experience looking to expand their pleasure options.

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